The school district will maintain a school library in each building for use by employees and by students during the school day.

Materials for the libraries will be acquired according to board policy, "Instructional Materials Selection."  Any challenges to library materials will be handled following the process for handling challenges to instructional and library materials as established in board policy.  

It is the responsibility of the principal of the building in which the school library is located to oversee the use of materials in the library.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop procedures for the selection and replacement of both library and instructional materials. 


Legal Reference:         

Iowa Code §§ 256.7(24); 279.8; 280.14; 301


Cross Reference:        

602      Curriculum Development

605      Instructional Materials




Approved   July 2000                         

Reviewed October 2022           

Revised   Feb. 8, 2010