The incidence of severe food allergies in the general population is increasing.  Anaphylactic shock can be caused when an allergic person is exposed to even a small amount of the allergen.  Exposure can occur by swallowing, touching, and/or inhaling airborne particles or absorbing residues from other surfaces.  Peanuts/nuts are the most common cause of fatal food reactions.  In order to minimize the incidence of life threatening allergic reactions, the Cardinal Community School District will maintain a system-wide emergency plan for addressing life threatening allergic reactions.  Training and education for Cardinal School employees, as well as building based student education, will occur to raise the level of awareness.  Further, the District will utilize proactive procedures to minimize the chance of a child experiencing a life threatening allergic reaction.

1.      At the Elementary, school staff and parents in classrooms where one or more students with a life threatening allergy will be notified of the health threat and be provided with a list of foods and materials to avoid.

2.      The district requests that parents and students avoid including peanuts/nuts and peanut/nut products in lunches and snacks in grades PreK-12th.  Elementary students who bring cold lunch will be required to eat lunch at a separate table.

3.      NO HOMEMADE TREATS OR FOOD ITEMS, for students, will be brought into our schools either by parents or staff.  All treats must be commercially prepared and packaged for distribution with intact ingredient labels.  Classrooms with students who have life threatening allergies may have more specific guidelines.

4.      Food preparation will not be allowed in the academic curriculum at the elementary level.  An exception may be made for food preparation as related to the IEP of individual student’s goals served in special education.

5.      At the Elementary - NO TYPE OF FOOD OR CANDY ITEM may be used as a part of a craft project or any elementary school project related to the curriculum whether made at home or school.

School Nurse Responsibilities:

1.      To work with parents, health care providers, and school staff to develop the student’s Individualized Health Plan (IHP) and Emergency Health Plan (EHP) and to update these plans yearly and more often as needed.

2.      To instruct staff, who interact with the student on a regular basis, in the dynamics of the student’s food allergy, to recognize symptoms of a reaction and to know what to do in an emergency.

3.      To train designated staff in the EHP.  This could include training in giving emergency medications and/or administering the epinephrine auto-injector.

4.      To make educational information available to staff, students, and the community when requested.

5.      To reinforce self-management of students in dealing with their food allergies.

Student Responsibilities:

1.      Never trade food or share utensils with other students.

2.      Be aware of the signs and symptoms of a reaction to known allergens.

3.      Notify an adult immediately if he/she has eaten something that may contain the known allergen.

4.      Participate in the development of his/her IHP and EHP, including signing and complying with the epinephrine auto injector contract, if indicated.



Legal Reference:         






Cross Reference:        




Approved   Dec. 14, 2009            

Reviewed November 2022    
