The board and the administrators will work together in making decisions and setting goals for the school district.  This effort is designed to obtain, share, and use information to solve problems, make decisions, and formulate school district policies and regulations.


It is the responsibility of each administrator to fully participate in the management of the school district by investigating, analyzing, and expressing their views on issues.  Those board members or administrators with special expertise or knowledge of an issue may be called upon to provide information.  Each board member and administrator will support the decisions reached on the issues confronting the school district.


The board is responsible for making the final decision in matters pertaining to the school district.


It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop guidelines for cooperative decision-making.




Legal Reference:        

Iowa Code § 279.8



Cross Reference:        

301      Administrative Structure



Approved July 2000                           

Reviewed March 2022                   




The board considers all those who have a role in the recruitment of release of employees to be part of the management team. The management team shall be headed by the superintendent. The superintendent shall convene meetings to discuss school district policies, administrative procedures and other business brought to the superintendent’s attention.


The management team shall meet with the board upon the board’s request or superintendent’s recommendation to review overall operations of the school district and conditions affecting the management team. The management team shall have no relationship to the formal negotiations unit. In the event a member or members of the management team are unable to resolve a problem, a committee of one board member, one management team member, and the superintendent shall investigate the circumstances and make a recommendation. If the recommendation does not settle the matter, the board and the management team shall meet to resolve the matter. The board may seek the advice of outside management consultants to assist in resolving the matter.



Legal Reference:         

Iowa Code § 279.8



Cross Reference:        

301      Administrative Structure



Approved July 2000                           

Reviewed  March 2022                  



The superintendent, as the chief executive officer of the board, shall work with the board, particularly the board president, to keep the board informed of school district operations. The board shall maintain contact with other administrators through the superintendent.


The administrators and other administrative employees shall work with the board through the superintendent. The administrators, in working with the board, shall assist the board by gathering information, informing the board of school district operations, implementing board policy, making recommendations and answering requests of the board.


The superintendent, unless excused by the board president, and the principals, unless excused by the superintendent, shall attend each board meeting.




Legal Reference:         

Iowa Code § 279.8, .20, .21

281 I.A.C. 12.4(4).


Cross Reference:        

217      Board of Directors’ Relationships

301      Administrative Structure

302      Administration Relationships



Approved July 2000   

Reviewed March 2022      



As managers of the school district, the administrators shall make employment recommendations, supervise employees, and evaluate employees’ performance. Concerns or requests by employees shall first be reported to their direct supervisor for resolution. It shall be the responsibility of the administrators to resolve complaints and handle requests.


It shall be the responsibility of the administration to foster a positive attitude and to promote a cooperative effort among employees. It shall also be the responsibility of the administration to prevent misunderstandings within the school district and the community. It shall be the responsibility of each school district employee to work cooperatively with the administrators to accomplish the educational philosophy of the school district.


Legal Reference:         

Iowa Code § 279.8, .20, .21, .23, .24

281 I.A.C. 12.4.


Cross Reference:        

301      Administrative Structure

302      Administration Relationships

401.8   Employee Involvement in Decision Making



Approved July 2000   

Reviewed March 2022      



Efficiency and economics may be achieved by working with adjoining school districts in offering education programs, offering in-service activities or programs and sharing employees or students. The administration shall consider and explore opportunities to work with adjoining school districts to expand the opportunities for the students and employees in the school district.



Legal Reference:         

Iowa Code §§ 28E; 257.11; 279.8; 280.13A,.



Cross Reference:        

301      Administrative Structure

302      Administration Relationships

410.2   Shared Licensed Employees

606.1   Shared Students



Approved July 2000                           

Reviewed March 2022                  



The administration shall utilize the resources of the Great Prairie Area Education Agency (GPAEA) by choosing to participate in programs which meet the needs of the school district. This includes utilizing educational materials and staff resources.

The administration may also utilize the GPAEA to facilitate regional programming and cooperation as well as to purchase supplies.

It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent and Principals to coordinate activities with the GPAEA.


Legal Reference:         

Iowa Code §§ 28E; 273; 279.8 (2013).



Cross Reference:        

217.4   Board of Directors and Great Prairie Education Agency




Approved July 2000                           

Reviewed March 2022                
